Episode 61: Naomi Crellin
Come join us as we vicariously stroll through an organic food market in Sydney and chat with Naomi Crellin- we have to remember how the world once was somehow! Naomi is a Jazz Singer and vocalist in the Idea of North, an Internationally recognised A Capella Group; we talk to her about her creative process, the gift of having live-in Au Pairs and the challenges of the pandemic for her music, her business and creativity. Peach and the...
Episode 60: Peach and The Colonel
In this episode, Peach and The Colonel meander through the moments that still sometimes catch us out in a cringe of recognition and consider the amazing and painful transformation of puberty. Who knew period parties were now a thing? Plus we lick our wounds a bit now that we are a city with a curfew- so many firsts, and so much we don’t know! Join us for a chat. TV to watch The Accident https://iview.abc.net.au/show/accident Happy...
Episode 43: Peach and The Colonel
A wonderful exchange of strange faces, silly noises, and puzzled musings from Peach and The Colonel.
Episode 41: Peach and The Colonel
Finally, the long awaited return… Season 3: Peach and the Colonel Enjoy 🙂
Episode 40: Peach and The Colonel
As we come to the end of season 2, Peach and the Colonel find themselves tackling some familiar themes- the power of language, gender politics & identity/ stereotypes, just to name a few…You can also hear our thoughts on The latest Avengers film, Stalin is Dead and some of the other great entertainment we’ve been to see lately. For those of you who don’t know your mansplaining from your manspreading…...
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