Episode 23: Peach and The Colonel
Peach and the Colonel return to the important discussion of laundry peg technique. A handy video below for those who need tips! Much to both of our surprise, we learned a little bit about vaginal flora: https://www.sciencenews.org/blog/growth-curve/should-c-section-babies-get-wiped-down-vagina-microbes Then, through the discussion of gut flora, we stumble across faecal transplants – a powerful, and ever-increasingly popular...
Episode 14: Glen Fraser
We spent Saturday afternoon chatting mixed martial arts, fitness and the power of cultural rituals with the multi-talented personal trainer, Glen Fraser. Download it now and let us know your training and diet tips on our FACEBOOK page! www.glenfraserpt.com.au The Colonel mentioned the Modern Maori Quartet. Check them out here: Home Glen and the Colonel mentioned a fight between Forrest Griffin and Stephan Bonnar, well regarded as the...
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