Episode 44: Peach and The Colonel

2019 is here and we are back to consider and chat on air with you all about everything and nothing! Get stuck in!
Happy New Year, Peach and the Colonel fans! We hope you have had an excellent Summer so far. In this episode we crack a few coldies and consider how good you feel after you’ve been swimming in the sea, the infinite pleasures of leisure and the importance of sleep. In amongst that we explore the validity of the word poo being used in newspaper headlines and get a little caught up and confused by the way we order adjectives. If you want more information check-out the infinitely better guide than the Peach’s attempt at explaining it here: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/grammar/british-grammar/about-adjectives-and-adverbs/adjectives-order
Here’s some more information on new sleep science as discussed:

Here’s some great reads Peach recommends from her Summer off:
Fiction:The Arsonist by Chloe HooperNormal People by Sally RooneyA Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles
And for a bit of philosophy/ non-fiction check out:
Alain de Botton’s The Pleasures of Leisure 
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Sapiens by Yuvral Noah Harari

Put your feedback on our Facebook page- we would love to know if there’s anyone you’d like to hear from as a guest! 

Author: chrisblain

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