Episode 75: Peach and The Colonel

Episode 75: Peach and The Colonel

http://suadeentertainment.com/podcasts/290921-patc.mp3 In a delightful morning chat, Peach and The Colonel try to get their heads around the political, environmental, economic and social impacts of mass tourism, supply chains and the ever-growing list of frightening realities climate change is creating in our world. Are we really willing to face the realities of what we eat and what our comfort costs? Can we deal with a world where we...

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Episode 74: Peach and The Colonel

Episode 74: Peach and The Colonel

http://suadeentertainment.com/podcasts/180921-patc.mp3 Get some Broadway bounce back in your step as Peach and the Colonel search for Hope despite the bloody climate apocalypse/ pandemic and ya know possible nuclear war…Just another day on zoom, trying not to sink into complete nihilism! Come prepare to picnic with us! Construction Protests...

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Episode 73: Peach and The Colonel

Episode 73: Peach and The Colonel

http://suadeentertainment.com/podcasts/060921-patc.mp3 In this latest lockdown missive, Peach and the Colonel meander into unforeseen questions such as: what are the names of the Block contestants, is there a way to create immigration law in a way that helps, not harms, and of course whether or not Summer will involve any travel this year…So many questions and all we promise is more palaver…go on, you know you love it! In this episode...

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Episode 72: Peach and The Colonel

Episode 72: Peach and The Colonel

http://suadeentertainment.com/podcasts/280821-patc.mp3 Hmm this one rambles to a few unexpected cynical and dark corners- lots of opinions and very little research, just how we like it in our little privileged corner of the world where we feel sorry for ourselves in lockdown- still. Come join us in a our cynical, glass half-empty reality- we could do with the company! Joe Rogan episode about North Korea Louis Theroux- The Night in...

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Episode 71: Peach and The Colonel

Episode 71: Peach and The Colonel

http://suadeentertainment.com/podcasts/220821-patc.mp3 Another bloody lockdown episode- come join us in the kind of circular, self referencing conversation only this can induce…the important stuff like the fall of Afghanistan and also…silicone toilet brushes. Go on, you know you want to!! TV RecommendationsBake Squad https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7913362/netflix-bake-squad/ Tattoo Redo...

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